A deck of boards
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*,

This month's newsletter is heavy on announcements: We've got a new version of Keymapp available to all (thanks to everyone who helped test the Beta!), a new site just for newsletter subscribers (that's you!), and finally, a tutorial from Jo, showing you how to change the color of your keyboard. I love how her Voyager came out.

We've also got an interview with a senior developer who shared interesting ways to cope both with remote work and with just making software all the time, as well as a layout that might make the Vim users in the audience quite happy.

Earlier in the month I wrote a ZSA Loves post about an almost-forgotten system that lets you play numerous strategy board games using simple physical components. So much replay value and depth.

In the links section, I think my favorite one this month is the Everything Dictionary — I just love language, and this is a modern and useful tool.

As always, thank you for reading! Email me anytime — ez@zsa.io.

All the best,

The new Keymapp is out of Beta

The new Keymapp is out of Beta

Smart Layers for all

After an extensive period of testing, I'm happy to share that Smart Layers are now available for anyone to use! We've also made several other improvements to Keymapp.

The new Keymapp is out of Beta
The Ergo Link Archive

The Ergo Link Archive

For subscribers only

You know that "Things We Liked" section below, with all the fun links? Well, how about an archive of those links, carefully tagged, going all the way back to 2019? For subscribers only. So much fun stuff.

The Ergo Link Archive
Spray paint your keyboard

Spray paint your keyboard

Another fun way to void your warranty

In this meticulous tutorial, Jo, our lead designer, takes you through the process of changing your Voyager's color. Not the LED color — the actual color of your keyboard. The result is so impressive.

Spray paint your keyboard

Featured User Interview

Jesse Bailey

Senior Developer
I love what Jesse has to say about balancing software development with making physical art (sculptures) as well as his tip on dealing with working from home.
"Perhaps even more influential in my holistic personal growth has been the discovery of sculpture. I attend a weekly stone sculpture studio and have found the patient hands-on work has affected a contextual shift in my perspective on life and happiness."
Layout of the month

Working and gaming with layers

This is my layout that I've spent a few months iterating on. It's mostly focused on working with a tiling window manager and writing code in Vim. I work on macOS and use Linux at home, so my main layer is focused on Linux but a sticky layer for working on macOS is set up as well and I spend my entire work day on that.


Things we liked

What does that word mean?

A clean and minimal dictionary aggregator. I’m not sure about the images that come with every word, but the actual definitions seem useful and clear. Includes etymology (word origin) too.

Find similar electronic music

When you play a song on a streaming platform, it usually tries to follow up with a similar song. This is that — but free, and better, and with videos. It’s mainly for electronic music but by I searched for a song by Death Cab for Cutie and was pleasantly surprised by the results.

How far can it go?

A fun little web-toy that lets you “evolve” vehicles using random permutations, terrains, and gravities to see which one goes farthest. Note the “Surprise!” button that turns off the animation and makes the simulation much faster.

Level the playing field

It's like chess, but you have a hidden drawback: You can't see your opponent's drawback, and they can't see yours. The drawbacks are enforced by the game. Some drawbacks are harder than others, so it depends on your skill level.

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️
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Get Thumb Keycaps

Wallpaper of the month

Custom printable keys for the Moonlander, by "2001_a_space_odyssey"! I recently 3D-printed my first MX-compatible keycap, it's quite fun and works surprisingly well.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading!

Art by Jacob A. Mecham, featuring the incredible Samwise Gamgee

© , ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5