A new key, a new code editor, and my favorite knife sharpener
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*,

For the first time in several years, we've got an all-new layer key. It's called Layer Lock. It's simple to use and makes a big difference, and you can read about it below.

Robin also wrote a blog post for new users and for people just thinking about ZSA boards — a deep dive into layers.

This month's ZSA Loves is all about an incredible knife sharpener that works in a way that's new to me, and I've used my fair share of sharpeners over the years (you can see some of my other ones in the post).

I also made a short video that shows a new take on a classic ice-breaker using ZSA Cards. It's called Fortunately - Unfortunately and you get a little taste of Canadian winter, too.

And as long as we're talking about non-keyboard things, we're thinking of making… plushies. Yes, cute little keyboard-themed desk friends. We've got three designs and a survey for you to vote — I hope you can take a look.

Last but certainly not least, I'm so excited about this month's interview. Laura developed a unique way to use the Voyager which is both simple and flexible. So cool.

As always, thank you for reading, and email me anytime — ez@zsa.io.

All the best,

Introducing Layer Lock

Introducing Layer Lock

It's been a while since we had a new key

Layer Lock is a simple game-changer: A key that you can hit to stay on the current layer, even if you switched to that layer using a "momentary hold". For a smaller keyboard like the Voyager, Layer Lock unlocks (See what I did there?!) a whole bunch of possibilities.

Introducing Layer Lock
Layer Basics

Layer Basics

How to make fewer keys do more

Layers can be confusing when you're just starting out with one of our keyboards. Robin took the time to write a comprehensive beginner-friendly introduction showing how layers work and why they're useful. Send it to your friends who aren't familiar with the magic of layers yet.

Layer Basics

Featured User Interview

Laura Langdon

Developer Advocate
Laura's setup is incredible, featuring a custom-made lap desk that allows her to use the Voyager on the floor, in bed, and at her desk. Her tenting solution uses low-profile tripod mount and MagSafe accessories, which turn out to work really well with the Voyager. So cool.
"I spend a lot of time configuring my tools to work and look just right for me, which is probably true of every person who reads a newsletter like this one. 😁"
Layout of the month

Layout of the month: tastyPeach

I'm a Linux nerd who's into programming, video game production, music production, digital art, and a bit of gaming! Specifically, here's some of the programs I use most often: Vim, Godot 4, QTractor, Krita, and Final Fantasy XIV. I'm also all about maximizing workflow efficiency–that's why I made a suite of Bash tools that do just that (tasty)! Sooo, check out my super cool (and super efficient) Ergodox EZ layout!


Things we liked

Code at the speed of thought

A new code editor with quite the team behind it. macOS only for now, but they plan to go cross-platform. Free. Well integrated with AI, but also has interesting “multiplayer” features for remote pair or “mob” programming. Definitely one to watch.

A one-page wonder

A quick and simple way to set up your own one-sheet habit tracker for the year (or what’s left of it, at this point). You can specify multiple habits, as well as the frequency of each habit. The tool and its output are both compact and fun. No account needed, Web-based, free.

Pretty, pretty abstract GIFs

Etienne Jacob is a French software engineer and an artists who creates GIFs using code. This is his showcase. The style is stark and dramatic — white foreground, black background — and the animations are just so fluid and detailed, they’re a pleasure to look at. I would gladly put this on an electronic picture frame on my wall.

What if you could live your life over again?

Originally published in 1986, this is a deep interactive-fiction game that takes you through a whole life. It’s available online for free (with five-minute pauses between each stage of your “life”) as well as for iOS and Android, and also on Steam. The choices start out easy (it’s easy to see what the “right answer” would be when you’re a baby) but it gets more ambiguous over time.

Laughter is universal, but lol is not

From kkkk and rsrsrs to 7777 and ))), this fun interactive piece shows many different ways people laugh online all over the world, and explains them, too. Nicely presented!

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️
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Jozef's desk

Wallpaper of the month

Not a render: This is Jozef Malacký's actual desk, with a few gorgeous keyboards. So nice.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading!

Art by Steve & Jo - Don't forget to vote

© , ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5