A zebra and a panda
APRIL 2022
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*,

The ZIP Kit we introduced a few months ago got such an enthusiastic response, we actually ran out of units. So we made some more, and are now offering them in "zebra" and "panda" configurations (I'm trying hard not to use the trademarked name of a black-and-white cookie here). Now you can mix-and-match the black and white elements and get quite a striking look.

Also, we've been trying to come up with a collective noun for "a bunch of keyboards". Much like a herd of cows, a pride of lions, and a murder of crows, the collection of keyboards crowding many of our desks and shelves deserves its own name. So far we came up with "a clackering of keyboards". I think we might try to make that a thing.

This month's random question: Are there any machine-vision specialists in the audience? I have a small question about an upcoming project we're working on.

Please enjoy the clackering of keyboards below, and as always, email me anytime (even if you're not a machine-vision pro) — ez@zsa.io.

All the best,

The Zebra and the Panda

The Zebra and the Panda

Which one's which?

I was struck by how different a white keyboard looks with a few well-placed black key covers. Then we looked at a black board with white covers, and the effect was just as dramatic. Check out the renders, and get your own mixed Zip Kit below.

The Zebra and the Panda

Featured User Interview

Emma Anderson

iOS Engineer
An iOS engineer who’s also a DJ and zinester, Emma’s side projects cover everything from old school R&B to Okinawan culture to Steve Buscemi. She showed us her cute setup and fascinating audio equipment. Check out the MIDI that makes music from fruit!
"I also gutted and retrofitted an old Mac Classic II to work as an HDMI monitor. I use the monitor as a mini YouTube player or as a retro Yule Log during the holidays."
Layout of the month

Layout of the month: Spectacular

This setup is designed and used by a non-coder, working primarily on a Mac device and using Google Docs/Sheets/Slides/Meet/Chat. It makes use of Rectangle window management tool, as well as a few keyboard shortcuts that activate Automator scripts. In most cases, the left hand activates temporary layer modifiers while the right hand takes different actions.


Things we liked

Shortcut to Everything

A command-line app somewhat similar to Alfred, but with strong JavaScript programming chops. Lots and lots of existing scripts to choose from. For macOS. Recommended by Richard Dyce.

A new take on chess

War Chest is a deep abstract strategy board game that uses some innovative mechanics such as drawing pieces from a bag, asymmetric “armies”, and more. War Chest Online lets you play it for free in your browser, to see if you like it. Well made, and quite active. No AI, but plenty of humans to play with (including me, sometimes).

Pixel All The Things

A handy little online tool to pixelate any image to your exact specifications. You can specify a limited color palette for an authentic 8-bit look. Available as a JS library, open-source, but usable right there on the page.

What does a VCR rewinding sound like?

Part soundboard, part online archive, this fun little project presents technology-related sounds from the past. From a floppy disk to a Game Boy to a rotary telephone, lots of good ones here.

Live global marine shipping map

So many ships. Real-time updates on a map. You can click some ships (those within range) to see their name, their current speed, what country they're registered to, where they're headed, and even a photo of the ship sometimes. Fascinating.

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️
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Wallpaper of the month

The ultimate printable: Jets for your Moonlander. Just a fantasy for now, but dreaming is half the fun.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading!
© 2022, ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5