Thank you, and the Ministry for the Future
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*,

Finally starting to feel like winter here in Ontario. The lake froze over; people cleared rinks and skated on it.

A lot has been written about gratitude and being thankful. It's something I try to practice in my own life, and this month I get to be thankful to many of you. Our little company hit a fun milestone. If it was all about numbers, it wouldn't mean much — but people have been writing in to share how our boards make a difference in their life, and those emails then make a difference in ours. If you have a keyboard story to share, please do. :)

Finally, a fiction book recommendation. Not something I get to share often, since I mostly read non-fiction. It's called Ministry for the Future, by Kim Stanley Robinson. It's good.

As always, thank you for reading, and I hope you're doing well.

All the best,

Celebrating 23,000 Moonlanders

Celebrating 23,000 Moonlanders

So many stories

We recently crossed a milestone: over 23,000 Moonlanders shipped. It's been great to hear from so many people who have been using the board. Thank you all! As a fun little celebration, we put this page together.

Celebrating 23,000 Moonlanders

Featured User Interview

Sarah Kim

Senior Software Engineer
Sarah's setup is a formidable combination of raw tech power and carefully curated aesthetics. So much gear, so elegantly combined.
"Outside of work, I really like K-pop, and dancing, and I run a K-pop dance cover team called ECLIPSE."
Layout of the month

Layout of the month: Space Truckin'

Space Truckin' is inspired by a 1972 song of the same name by Deep Purple. It's a light hearted, fun tune that gets down to business–as this layout aims to do. The layout is a collection of borrowed ideas and productivity shortcuts. It scratches many itches I've had as a software engineer using standard non-programmable keyboards. Hitch a ride, borrow an idea, or pass on by. "Come on, come on, come on let's go space trucking"


Things we liked

Visually cluster your emails

A local open-source tool that takes in a giant archive of email, then visualize patterns inside. A bit like visualizing hard drive space, but for email. Good privacy (because it’s local) and quite interesting. The GitHub page links to a demo, too.

For when Wordle is too much

Wordle is a lot of fun, but it's also hard. Letterle is, shall we say, slightly less challenging.

I’m going to need a bigger driveway

Take a satellite view of any place on Earth, and overlay it with spaceships drawn to scale. Has ships from Star Wars, BSG, a bunch of other Sci-Fi shows, and also some actual spacecraft from real life. Also, a whale.

So. Many. Phones.

Over 2,100 cellphone models, lovingly curated and presented. Each device has multiple photos and some stats, and many have original TV ads. Some of these are pretty crazy — ever seen a Nokia 3650?

Write... One note at a time

This is a book ostensibly aimed at students and non-fiction writers, but really, it's for anyone who reads and thinks a lot. Presents a compelling system to make sense of non-fiction and connect disparate ideas. Powerful and fun, I use it myself.

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️
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Wallpaper of the month

A lovely photo by Jes Anub. Star Wars, Lego, and a Moonlander. High-stakes drama! Available both for desktop and mobile, as always.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading!
© 2022, ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5