Tisha Talks Black, Printable gallery, and Virgin Galactic
JULY 2021
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*,

Though it's been around for a few years, to me, 3D printing is still futuristic. There is something magical in the idea of creating an object on the screen and then having it simply materialize on your desk. It's this kind of "Tea, Earl Gray, hot" thing.

People have been taking the Moonlander's modular design and running with it, creating some really interesting add-ons that can be customized and printed freely. To celebrate this, we created an art gallery: Our new Printables page. Check out the announcement below.

This is a rare month in that we have two announcements: The other is all about Stenography. Steno allows a skilled operator to exceed 200 words per minute, and we've recently beefed up support for it in Oryx. More on this below, in our first-ever guest blog post.

In other news, Tisha Talks Switches: Black is now out! To learn all about these firm linear switches, give this episode a listen.

As always, thank you for reading! Email me anytime, ez@zsa.io.

All the best,

Introducing Printables

Introducing Printables

A gallery of possibilities

From a "wedge" that tents the Moonlander in a specific angle to a tiny thumb cluster leg — these creations are fun and useful. We've imagined how they might fit into a cyberpunk future. Click for the full gallery.

Introducing Printables
Getting into Stenography

Getting into Stenography

Stenography with ZSA keyboards: a tutorial

Paul Fioravanti, a ZSA user and intrepid stenography explorer, wrote up a comprehensive tutorial covering what stenography is and how you can get started with it using the ZSA board you already have and some excellent free software.

Getting into Stenography

Featured User Interview

Charles Nickels Carver

Test Engineer @ Virgin Galactic
Born in Singapore, Charles also lived in the Ivory Coast, Turkey, UK, Taiwan, Shanghai, Indonesia, Thailand, and the USA. Having lived all over the world, he set his sights on outer space. Quite a read.
"I have recently switched to the Large Scale Testing group, where I am currently involved in testing various components and systems of Virgin Galactic’s SS3 fleet of spaceships and carrier vehicles."
Layout of the month

Layout of the month: Writer's QWERTY with fun extras

Welcome. I'm Moro, female, 30 years old. My occupation is QA tester & Business Analyst. I'm a writer in my spare time who spends a lot of time talking to friends online. I had surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome on my right hand in 2016, and still experience problems with my wrists and hands. In addition I'm very small, so conventional keyboards are often ill suited to my small hands. This layout is ergonomically optimized based on those parameters. It helps me type much more efficiently with less hand strain and has many shortcuts to help make that possible.


Things we liked

A dual-pane file manager for macOS

I had to go through some hoops to make Marta the default file manager for my machine, but I am so happy I did. How I've missed a dual-pane file manager with solid keyboard support! This one's free, too (supported by patrons).

No 3D printing, no precision optics

These open-source plans let you take an iPhone 5 camera module (just the lens from it, really), a couple of other cheap lenses, and a bunch of Lego bricks — and make yourself a solid microscope. So cool!

Software engineering as depicted by artists through history

Takes classic artworks and pairs them with modern-day captions. Some of these are just so good.

Draw an iceberg and see how it will float.

File this under "oddly satisfying". Icebergs, as traditionally shown in side-view (poking down into the water), don't actually float like that. Draw an iceberg with your mouse and see what happens.

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️
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Wallpaper of the month

Just don't get sand in those joints!

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading!
© 2021, ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5