Motorcycles vs. gliders
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*,

We've got a brand-new version of Wally for Windows, re-written from the ground up as a native application. On a different note, I have to say that if you read code or news all day long, reading some modern poetry is a nice change of pace. It's a different kind of reading.

Moonlanders have been shipping out like crazy, and your reception has been humbling. To those who didn't get theirs yet, thank you for your patience. To those who got theirs and wrote in with kind words — I really appreciate it. Hearing from you makes my day. Write me anytime:

All the best,

Introducing the New Wally for Windows

Introducing the New Wally for Windows

Rewritten from scratch

This month, we're proud to share an all-new version of Wally for Windows, rewritten from the ground up as a native Windows application. It is more reliable than the old version, and we'll be building some interesting things on top of it in the future.

Introducing the New Wally for Windows

Featured User Interview

Alin Cota

Information Security Manager and Application Developer
Alin is into coding, riding motorcycles, and flying: Quite the combo. His work setup is meticulously thought out — take a look.
"I’ve tried both gliding and flying a small airplane, and now I’m trying to decide which route to go for."
Layout of the month

Layout of the month: Colemak Dev-Manager

I set up this layout for my role as an engineering manager at Zillow Group. I am aiming for a little more speed to my response times. When my input is needed I don't want to be a bottleneck. I've really enjoyed the unique challenge of customizing my layout to suit my needs. I see myself continuing to iterate…


Things we liked

When was a word first used in print? You may be surprised!

Did you know the idiom "big cheese" was first used in 1912? And "dollar store" goes all the way back to 1862! An interesting look into the zeitgeist.

Open-source illustrations for personal and commercial projects

A searchable collection of nice SVGs for various projects. Because they're SVGs, they're easy to customize. We used one for the 404 page on

A Linux resource monitor written entirely in Bash

Has a nice menu system; lets you filter, sort, and terminate processes. All in bashscript.

The Dark Souls of incremental gaming

It's a game that looks like a spreadsheet. You're a kitten in a catnip forest, and you start accumulating resources and building things. Runs in the browser, but they have apps, too. Despite my description, it's pretty great.

One poem a day, over email

One last thing before you hit Inbox Zero. Some of these do nothing for me — others strike a deep chord. Carefully curated modern poetry.

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️
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Wallpaper of the month

Though this November hasn't been as snowy as past years here in Southern Ontario, this month's wallpaper will tide me over until we get some real snow. We've got mobile versions for you this time, too!

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading!
© 2020, ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5