Click, click, click: Swap keys!
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*,

This month's big announcement is the ability to swap the positions of any two keys in your layout, even across different layers. Very handy for macros and other complex keys.

Other than that, we've been focusing heads down on building and shipping Moonlanders. I've been updating the FAQ every week with our progress. We're up to batch 4 now, whew! Orders made today will ship out around Nov/Dec, but we're getting faster and better all the time.

As always, thank you for reading, and feel free to write me anytime at

All the best,

Swap keys

Swap keys

From here, to there

Click a source key, then a destination key, and the two will switch places. It's that simple.

Swap keys

Featured User Interview

Melos Han-Tani

Game Designer, Composer, Writer, Programmer
One-half of Analgesic Productions, Melos is one of the creators of IGF-nominated Anodyne 2: Return to Dust and several other indie games.
"In my default layer, I have the upper row of RH thumb keys mapped to mouse clicks that I use with my middle three fingers."
Layout of the month

Layout of the month: piepageddon

I'm fascinated by tools, especially ones you can modify to your liking. There's something deeply satisfying about refining something until you forget it's there.


Things we liked

Compare physical quantities, intuitively

How fast is 15 kilometers per hour? About 1.5 times as fast as a crocodile, or about two times as fast as Michael Phelps.

All the skins

Relive the heady days of the late 90's MP3 Napster craze with this positively massive collection of skins. itself is worth a visit, too.

See how it changed

Complete copies of Ikea catalogs from the past, beautifully scanned and preserved. Amazing.

A second brain, for you, forever

A visual wiki that runs locally, on top of Markdown files. An interesting alternative to Notion for managing personal knowledge.

Tools for better thinking

I love mental models. This is a handful of handy ways to think about problems and systems, visually explained and clearly written up. Free and clean. Don't read them all at once - these require practice and thinking.

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️
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Wallpaper of the month

For months, Mario's been dropping the Moonlander logo into every wallpaper, tucked away somewhere. Then we launched – and today, we get to close out this series of wallpapers with a grand finale.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading!
© 2020, ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5