Black Friday, Climate Action results, and welcoming Steve.
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*

November! November means Black Friday, of course. It also means the start of snow here in southern Ontario. I love waking up in the morning to a white blanket covering everything. There's something peaceful and introspective about it.

This month we're welcoming a new teammate, Steve, a talented 3D artist hailing from Croatia. Steve created this month's wallpaper, as well as a set of snazzy new renders for the ErgoDox EZ homepage which we've redesigned. You'll see lots more of his art in the future. Welcome, Steve! :)

Below you can read some of my thoughts on Black Friday, find out what sort of impact we made on our Climate Action month, and read an interview with Materialize's Chief Scientist.

As always, let me know what you think – just hit me up at Thank you for reading!

All the best,

Climate Action Month

Climate Action Month

We did some good together

Thanks to your support, we were able to donate $17,200 to the Rainforest Action Network, which is going to make a difference in the Amazon rainforest. This money will be used to empower local communities that are doing a lot to protect the land they're on.

Climate Action Month
What we're doing for Black Friday

What we're doing for Black Friday

Is it too good to be true?

If you've been following us closely, our Black Friday action and rationale may be familiar to you. If not, you might want to click through and read about our plans for Black Friday and our reasoning behind them.

What we're doing for Black Friday

Featured User Interview

Frank McSherry

Chief Scientist, Materialize Inc.
Frank was a part of the team that came up with differential privacy. Also, his company produced its own custom keycap for the team. How cool is that?
"I also gained some notoriety for demonstrating that my laptop could out-perform several “big data” systems on their target workloads."

Things we liked

Purpose-built and sustainable

Refiber sent us two pairs of their ethically-handmade hand warmers to evaluate, and they're great. I'm wearing a pair right now. Cozy!

Equal parts creepy and cool

100,000 faces generated by AI, free for any use. Landing pages are a classic use case, no model release forms needed. Some are convincing, some are more… modern art.

Any glyph you can imagine

Online encyclopedia of symbols, signs, flags, and glyphs. Did you know a "circled dot" can represent the spirit, or consciousness? A great resource for those planning a tattoo. :)

Batteries excluded

If you have kids you're looking to keep busy on the road or at a restaurant without resorting to a screen, check out these games. We've been enjoying Sprouts.

Cybernetically enhanced web apps

Yes, a shiny JavaScript thing. :) But this really is cool: Instead of using a virtual DOM, Svelete shifts the work to the compile stage.

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️

Made us think

The best ferments still retain much of their original character, whether that's a touch of residual sweetness in a carrot vinegar or the floral perfume of wild roses in a rose kombucha, while simultaneously being transformed into something entirely new.
René Redzepi, David Zilber
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Wallpaper of the month

One of Steve's first creations is a 3D treatment of the ErgoDox EZ logo. I love how it came out! To see more of Steve's work, check out the ErgoDox EZ homepage.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading!
© 2019, ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5