Four new keyswitches!
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*

This month we're announcing four new types of keyswitches, raising our total count to 17 different keyswitch types! How crazy is that? Pretty crazy, says our inventory management system. Regardless, choice is fun, and these new Kailh Box switches are pretty great.

In other news, so far we've raised over $10,000 for effective climate action. I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you, not just for the outpouring of positive messages and support, but for helping to raise awareness in many ways. We still have a few days to go – 10% of all ErgoDox EZ sales until October 21 go to the Rainforest Action Network.

Finally, halloween is coming, and we're celebrating it with a classic creation from Mario: the "Keys Witch".

Thank you for reading, and feel free to get in touch with me anytime -

All the best,

Announcing Kailh Box Keyswitches

Announcing Kailh Box Keyswitches

Black, Brown, Red and White

After so many people wrote to ask for these, we just had to go for it. This keyswitch family has it all: A clicky switch, a tactile one, and two buttery-smooth linear switches. The unique shape offers IP56 protection to the switch body, and they're just plain fun to type on.

Announcing Kailh Box Keyswitches

Featured User Interview

Alan Curtis

Software Engineer / Technical Artist
Take an ErgoDox EZ, add a bunch of other high-end hardware like a 27" monitor, then build a custom case around it. Put on some wheels, and you've got one crazy mobile workstation. Check out all the details in Alan's interview.
"I made a 3D model to make sure everything would fit. I exported out the measurements, got cutting, put wheels on it, and BOOM! Portable desk."

Things we liked

Minimalist, privacy-focused, writing and publishing platform

Think Medium, but without all the Follows and the Likes. We rolled our own blog recently, but this is a very nice option if you don't want to go full DIY.

The classics, revisited

High-quality, manually corrected and edited versions of classic books, for free. The presentation gives the books the respect they deserve, and they have a whole bunch of Arthur Conan Doyle titles.

Your web, your way

Add custom JS or CSS to any webpage, in any browser, using your editor of choice. Like UserScript or Stylish, but portable and bundled into one. Created by Mikkel Malmberg, an ErgoDox EZ user.

A légpárnás hajóm tele van angolnákkal

An online encyclopedia of writing systems and languages. Useful for learning to say "My hovercraft is full of eels" in Hungarian, Klingon, and many other languages.

A great comeback

Free and includes a powerful tool for managing window layouts on large monitors. It's actually better than many commercial tools I've tried for managing a 38" monitor. Supports multiple layouts and keyboard shortcuts.

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️

Made us think

The bigger the picture, the more unique the potential human contribution. Our greatest strength is the exact opposite of narrow specialization. It is the ability to integrate broadly.
David Epstein
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Wallpaper of the month

It's almost Halloween! So… trick or treat?

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© 2019, ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5