This month, we're doing something to help.
The Ergo

Hi *|FNAME|*

This September is a little different for us. At a certain point in August, I felt some despair about what was going on around us. I don't mean in the business or keyboard world, but in the wider world: Our environment.

Instead of brushing it off or sinking into a funk, I wanted to find something effective we could do to help. I believe I have, and you can read more about it below.

Of course, we are hard at work on the configurator and other innovations (some very exciting stuff in the oven!). You can read all about the latest refinements below. There's a great interview with David Baldwin, too!

Let me know what you think about this issue, and especially our climate-related work:

All the best,

September Improvements

September Improvements

Brew cask and more

This past month we've released Wally as a brew cask as well as an Ubuntu PPA, made it possible to silence the Planck EZ's startup sound, and enabled renaming/deleting your layouts.

September Improvements
Climate Action

Climate Action

One-day Climate Strike, followed by a month of action

I am so excited about this. We're taking part in the Global Climate Strike tomorrow, and then giving away 10% of the ErgoDox EZ's gross revenue for a month, for effective climate action. It's a beginning.

Climate Action

Featured User Interview

David Baldwin

Director of Product & Engineering, Envoy/Elevate
David used the ErgoDox EZ as a jumping off point for some extreme customization: He made his own spacebars (!) and created a beautiful and sturdy tilt/tent solution. He also introduced me to ASDF and several other developer tools I didn't know.
"This took a little bit of modification to the case and some keycap sanding, but nothing a Dremel couldn’t work out."

Things we liked

By Good Good Good

A newsletter that's a reminder of the good in the world. Every Tuesday morning, some good news delivered right to your inbox.

A real-time look at a beautiful ecosystem

Live stream from an underwater camera at Deerfield Beach, Florida — like an aquarium screensaver, but with real fish in the real ocean! Removed temporarily due to hurricane Dorian, but should be back by the time you read this.

Bleed red. Think green.

The world's first reusable tampon applicator. Billions of plastic applicators get thrown away each year and cannot be recycled – so this one is reusable.

A fire engine for the soul

A magazine by David Byrne. "We tell stories that reveal that there are, in fact, a surprising number of reasons to feel cheerful. Many of these reasons come in the form of smart, proven, replicable solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. We’re here to tell you about some of them."

We couldn't help ourselves

This is too good not to share in this issue. It's an 8bit-style CSS framework that can put some retro pizzaz into anything you do.

Tip: We have a subscriber-only link archive with all of the links we shared over the years. Just for you. ❤️

Made us think

Digital minimalists [...] believe that the best digital life is formed by carefully curating their tools to deliver massive and unambiguous benefits.
Cal Newport
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Wallpaper of the month

In the spirit of our Climate Action Month, Mario created a design I wish I could one day wear. Until then, it works as a soothing desktop background.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading!

Art by Mia Page

© 2019, ZSA Technology Labs Inc.
250 University Avenue, Suite #200, Toronto, ON, M5H 3E5